About US

We're Jeremy and Isaac, and we're beer guys!

We've been buddies for over 20 years and big fans of beer for just as many.  Our passion for craft beer led us to start homebrewing in 2018, a nice break from our corporate jobs in IT.  We were each other's Best Man and now enjoy sipping our creations with family and friends and during play dates with our kids.  Iron Bird Brew Works is an homage to our love for beer and our love for sports.  We both grew up watching Cal Ripken Jr (The Iron Man) and now we root for the O's, Capitals, Ravens ( Jeremy) and Eagles (Isaac).  Although our roots started in Baltimore, we have moved up to Bedford, PA on a 48 acre farm to work toward bringing our dream to life.

Follow us on social media using the links below to keep up with the latest and greatest going on at Iron Bird Brew Works.